






The Foot of Calvary



There is no place I’d rather be
Than at the foot of Calvary
Where Jesus Christ died for me;
It was there that He heard my plea,
Forgave all sin and set me free…
I thank God for that old tree.

Friend, there is a pure crimson flow
That reaches sinners here below,
Lifting to a new plateau…
We have no prideful works to show,
Only that Christ our Lord we know…
To Him all Glory bestow.

O how I love that rugged tree!
His blood avails for even me,
Cleansing for eternity;
And, though raised with Him and set free,
Within my heart, I’ll always be…
At The Foot of Calvary.


“God forbid that I should glory save in the cross
of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified
unto me, and I unto the world.”
(Gal 6:14)


~ Connie Campbell Bratcher - Apr., 2009 ~



Copyright © 2009, Connie C. Bratcher

Design © by Your Impressions


"The Eastern Gate"